Gasgano (5)
Basic info
First appearance: The Phantom Menace
Species: Xexto
Events: Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)
Known Facts (1)
Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY) (1) »
Gasgano was a male Xexto podracer pilot who participated in the Boonta Eve Classic podrace in 32 BBY. He had 24 fingers total, which allowed him to complete multiple tasks while racing. Many predicted Gasgano would overtake Sebulba in the race. Placed prominently on the grid, the Xexto took a good start and managed to stay in the front runners throughout the race. While Gasgano placed second behind Anakin in this race, Sebulba's defeat and subsequent temporary loss of dignity provided the Xexto with an excellent chance to further his own career as a Podracer. Although Gasgano has a reputation as an intellectual, he got drunk in the nearest cantina to celebrate his victory. However, not bothering to rest from his partial victory in the Boonta, the competitive Gasgano quickly moved on to other races, and soon became the favorite pilot on the barren Podracing moon of Oovo IV.


See also
Complete list
Episode I : Collection III Gasgano (84116) Ben Quadinaros' Podracer (V.POD6) Gasgano's Podracer (V.POD9) Gasgano's Podracer (V.POD10)
Micro Machines Episode I Vehicle/Figurine Collections
Star Wars Episode I
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
The Official Star Wars Fact File
Episode I : Collection III
Gasgano (84116)
Ben Quadinaros' Podracer (V.POD6)
Gasgano's Podracer (V.POD9)
Gasgano's Podracer (V.POD10)
66503 | 66500
84116 / 84105
Tags (5)

Xexto | Podracer | Jar Jar Binks | Gungan | Fambaa

Tags (2)

DUM-Series Pit Droid | Xexto

Tags (23)

Podracer | Ben Quadinaros | Toong | Anakin Skywalker | Ronto | Bantha | Dewback | Jar Jar Binks | Gungan | Sebulba | Dud Bolt | Mawhonic | Aldar Beedo | Ratts Tyerell | Clegg Holdfast | Ebe E. Endocott | Boles Roor | Teemto Pagalies | Veknoid | Kam Nale | Ark Roose | Wan Sandage | Eopie

Tags (4)

Podracer | Xexto | Sebulba | Ody Mandrell

Tags (2)

Podracer | Xexto

Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)
Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)
Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)
Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)
Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)

Last updated: 30.11.2021 23:24:37